The average cost per student for necessary books, materials and applications fees is $3,000.00
Ralph believed that bringing new blood into the industry was pivotal. He truly believed in teaching the world to dive, and we hope to continue his dream, one diving instructor at a time. We can only do this with your help. Donations are securely processed.
100% of proceeds go directly to the foundation and are used to provide instructor development courses to local island dive masters who could not otherwise afford to become instructors. Local dive masters have the potential to double their income once achieving instructor rating. Ralph's dream was to teach the world to dive, help us continue his dream by donating today!
REEF has four main goals:
Grow the professional levels in the Scuba Diving Industry
Create and infuse new energy
Help divers fulfill their dream of obtaining their Instructor rating
Provide assistance to those will make a difference in the diving industry.